Are you wanting to talk to someone about your struggles? Are you feeling angry, anxious, frustrated, depressed or suicidal? You do not have to struggle alone. You are loved and you are needed. If you seek pastoral counseling, then St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church is here for you. You do not have to be a member of the church to receive pastoral counseling from Fr. Thomas. Please note that Fr. Thomas is NOT a professionally licensed counselor. However, he does have a Masters in Pastoral Counseling, he has completed 4 units of Clinical Pastoral Education, he currently serves full-time as  Priest-in-Charge at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, and part-time as a PRN Chaplain at Baylor Scott & White in McKinney.

Trust that we are on this journey together.

Pastoral Counseling

Email: to setup a pastoral counseling appointment. In your email, please provide your full name, contact phone number, description of your situation, and intended goals of pastoral counseling.

The pastoral counseling sessions are free but a donation to St. Andrew’s Outreach would be welcomed. To make a donation, click here: Give to Outreach

Note: Make sure to click the “GIVE TO OUTREACH” button when submitting payment.