Ways to Serve

We celebrate God’s grace by loving our city through concrete actions that reflect the heart of Jesus Christ.

God Gives Grace


EXPLORE diverse avenues of outreach in the local neighborhood. PRAY about the outreach that touches your heart. COMMIT to celebrating God’s grace by loving your city in tangible ways.

Please consider donating towards the neighborhood outreach fund. When you donate, please visit the church website to access the online giving page. Then select 'Give to Outreach'.

Click: Donate Now.

Email Lynn Koutney our ‘Outreach Director at lynnkoutney@gmail.com for more information or get plugged into outreach.

Outreach Events

2025 Outreach

April 13 Andy’s Garden - Planting Day (11:30am-12pm)

April 20 Donation for Streetside Showers ends

April 26 Spring Festival of Faith (10am-2pm)

May 3 Texas Coalition for Animal Clinic (10am-12pm)

May 4 International Firefighters Day & Sound the Sirens

May 17 Health & Wellness Clinic (10am-2pm)

May 27 Memorial Day

June 7 Andy’s Garden - Work Day 3 (8am-11am)

June 8 Graduates’ Prayer Service

June 19 Juneteenth

June 20 World Refugee Day

June 21 Ronald McDonald House (6am-9:30am)

June 22 DEI Day (Diversity, Equality & Inclusion)

June 30 American Independence Day (7/4)

July 5 Andy’s Garden - Work Day 4 (8am-11pm)

July 19 Clothed in Hope

August 2 CFBISD Back to School Fest (9am-12pm)

August 3 Student / Teacher Dedication Service (10:30am)

September 6 2nd Annual Soccer Clinic (9am-12pm)

September 11 Treats for Teachers - Blair Elementary

October 4 Fall Festival of Faith (10am-2pm)

October ? “Citizens on Patrol” Regional meeting (9:00am-1:00pm)

October 26-December 7 Andrew’s Angel Tree

December 15 Drop off Andrew’s Angel Tree donations

November 1 Texas Coalition for Animal Protection (10am-12pm)

November 11 Veterans Day

November 14 Life Line Screening (8am-5pm)

November 30 Christus St. Joseph’s Caroling (1:00pm)

December 13 Christmas Blessings w St. Nicholas (10am-2pm)

???? Concert for Peace, Love and Harmony

2026 Outreach

January 9 Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (1/9)

January 25 Hugs Cafe Luncheon (12:30pm)

February 4 Sponsor Breakfast for Hugs Cafe Students (9:45am)

February 18 Donation for Streetside Showers begins

March 15 Andy’s Garden - Workday 1 (9AM-12PM)

March 22 Andy’s Garden - Workday 2 (9AM-12PM)

March 29 Andy’s Garden - Planting Day (11:30am-12pm)

“San Andres Acompananos”

“San Andres Acompananos” is an outreach ministry to the Hispanic community. We believe in building a strong, diverse community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and no one is left behind. We invite your support in reaching out to the Hispanic community. Together, we will create a community where diversity, equity and inclusion are not only embraced but also celebrated. Please help us promote Hispanic culture, empower Hispanic families, and build bridges that connect Hispanics to each other and to the world.

Other ways to contribute:

1. Learn Spanish

2. Listen to and engage in conversation with our Hispanic friends

3. Volunteer to help hispanic refugees

4. Help prepare and cook dinner for a monthly fellowship meeting of ‘San Andres Acompananos’

5. Volunteer for Metrocrest Services


Agape is an outreach ministry to the elderly and homebound. This ministry is dedicated to improving the lives of our seniors and those who are not able to physically attend church. We  provide them with the care, companionship, and resources they need in order to have a fulfilling and joyful life. We believe that every human being has dignity and deserves to be connected to the loving fellowship of the body of Christ. We strive to show them compassion, cherish their sacred stories, and ensure that they always feel supported.

In 2023, we ministered to the following: Pauline Bowling,  Arnim & Kathleen Scott, Ron & Donna Deoerler, Dick Green, Sosama Thomas, Elsie Cantrell (Hillcrest of North Dallas), Janet Dawson (Emerson on Harvest Hill), Glenna Grimmer (Christus St. Joseph’s Village), Dot Hinckley (Christus St. Joseph’s Village), Don Kieffer (Briarview Senior Living), Alice McKaig (Brookdale Farmers Branch). With deep sadness we mourn the loss of Pauline Bowling,  Elsie Cantrell, Dot Hinckley, Don Kieffer and Alice McKaig who passed away in 2023.

One of our Agape highlights is the annual carol service which our choir organizes at Christus St. Joseph’s Village in Coppell. In conjunction with the start of advent, the choir and members of St. Andrew's gather to sing carols at St. Christus St. Joseph Village in Coppell. We were blessed to share the joyful story of Christmas with the residents and staff. Father Thomas provided prayers and readings appropriate for Christmas. Our music director John Gambill, along with the choir and other church members, sang beautiful Christmas carols. Even Santa made an appearance and, with the help of his little elf, handed out candy canes to all the residents.

In 2024, we will continue to minister to Janet Dawson, Ron & Donna Deoerler, Dick Green, Glenna Grimmer, Arnim & Kathleen Scott, and Sosama Thomas,

Other ways to participate in Agape ministry:

1. Visit the elderly who are homebound.

2. Take pre-consecrated bread/wine to our homebound and administer Communion to them as a LEV (lay eucharistic minister).

3. Join Fr. Thomas on his monthly visit to Christus St. Joseph’s Village to listen and engage with the residents in conversation over a coffee.

4. Volunteer at Christus St. Joseph’s Village as a speaker, craft coordinator, music leader, or play a game with the residents.

5. Pray for the elderly and homebound.

6. Converse with the elderly and homebound over the phone.

4/16 CFBISD Faith-Based Leaders Alliance

Our mission is to serve the students, families, and staff of CFBISD by connecting, supporting, and equipping faith-based leaders. We usually meet every 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Click here: Faith-Based Leaders Alliance CFBISD

“Andy’s Garden”

Experience the beauty and peace of nature while cultivating your faith with our garden ministry. Join us in tending to our community garden and find solace in the rhythms of the earth. Learn about sustainable gardening practices and connect with others who share your love for the outdoors. Our garden ministry is the perfect way to deepen your spirituality while giving back to the community. We literally invite you to come grow with us!

Sub-committee convener: Becky DeGrasse

Other sub-committee members: Horace Blake, Lynn Koutney, Debbie Sharp, and Donna Wimpfheimer

Signup here: Andy’s Garden & Building Maintenance Crew

Hugs Cafe

The mission of Hugs Café, Inc. is to enhance the lives of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities through training and employment.

Hugs Café, Inc. envisions a world where people are recognized for the things they can do rather than the things they cannot.

Hugs Café, Inc. believes in offering Hope, Understanding, Grace, and Success (HUGS) to each individual so they can be recognized for their talents in the community

The President of Hugs Café, Inc. is Ruth Thompson. Ruth is a member of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in McKinney.

With over 6 years of employment, Hugs Café, Inc. has taken its vocational training beyond those it currently employs. Hugs Café, Inc. includes Hugs Training Academy - an educational training center for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who seek to be employed in the food service and hospitality industries.

Classes are held at Trinity Presbyterian Church in McKinney and at Dallas College (near Farmers Branch).

On January 18, 2024 Hugs Café, Inc. kickoffed their new Hugs Training Academy located at 11830 Webb Chapel Rd #1200, Dallas, TX 75234.

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Farmers Branch is proud to partner with Hugs Café, Inc. in this new venture.

#Hugs to everyone!

Click here: Hugs Cafe

Sound the Sirens

National Fallen Firefighters Day is a day when we remember and honor our fallen firefighters. On the first Sunday of May every year at noon, many stations across the country sounded their sirens in honor of the fallen firefighters. St. Andrew’s family rings our church bell and observes 1 minute of silence at 11:00am CST in solidarity with all firefighters.

Student / Teacher Dedication

All students and teachers join in a "Student / Teacher Dedication Service" which is held during Holy Eucharist the first Sunday of August.

Treats for Teachers

September 11 is a day that weighs heavy on the hearts of everyone around the world and especially on Americans. On that day, we all could use a little tender loving care. What better way to experience this love than to honor our teachers who mentor the leaders of tomorrow - teaching them about the past, encouraging them to appreciate the present, and fostering their hope in a better tomorrow. We drop off treats for the teachers at Dave Blair Elementary School as a way to thank them for all they do for our children and our community. #NeverForget

Soccer Clinic

Indoors! Professional Coaches! Free T-shirt & lunch!

As part of outreach to the community, a free indoor soccer clinic is held each year in the fall. The event is funded by a grant from the Episcopal Church Foundation.

Earlybird registration deadline usually begin in September. All earlybirds got a free T-shirt and lunch. Boys and girls ages 6-16 attended.

Fun for everyone! #EnjoyTheFellowship

Andrew’s Angel Tree

We experience the blessing of bringing joy to families at Christmas by taking part in Andrew’s Angel Tree. All the families are connected to Dave Blair Elementary School. The items are placed on an Amazon gift registry and tagged by sub-lists with numbers so as to ensure confidentiality. The link is usually active from the mid-November until the end of November. Our volunteers drop off the Christmas gifts at Dave Blair Elementary by the first week of December.


On January 9 each year St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Farmers Branch provided 40 Chick-Fil-A sandwiches for the Farmers Branch Police Department in honor of National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. We thank our Police Department, their families, and staff workers for their service to the community.

A Prayer for Unity

God of peace,
you are the bridge-builder,
you are the opener of doors.
In Christ you break down dividing walls and invite us to belong together.
You give more than enough love
for binding up broken hearts,
mending broken relationships,
knitting together our scraps of faith into one communion and fellowship.

Teach us, we pray,
to see the face of Christ
not only in our friends,
but also in the faces of strangers and enemies.

Rebuke us, we pray,
when we choose separation instead of connection, isolation instead of collaboration.

Renew us, we pray,
for a generous sharing in abundant life with you and with one another,
now and for ever.