4/13 #LunchBunch

The next #LunchBunch will be held on Sunday, April 13 @ Toasty (13605 Midway Rd, Ste. 140, Farmers Branch, TX 75244). Please RSVP to Becky DeGrasse so that we can reserve enough seats.

4/19 Passover Seder Meal

We will be having a “Passover Seder Meal’ on Saturday, April 19. Please RSVP to Robert Sharp so that we can get a proper headcount.


1st Sunday Potluck

Every 1st Sunday we host a potluck and have a guest speaker who is actively involved in outreach. Not only are potlucks incredibly enjoyable, they actually reflect good theology. Our families show up not to be fed, but to feed others. Our gathering around the table is purpose drive and mission-oriented. There is a true spirit of selfless generosity that reflects the heart of Jesus. We look not only to our own interests but also to the interests of others (Philippians 2:4). We desire not to be served but to serve (Mark 10:45). We generously offer as much as we can possibly afford to share (2 Corinthians 9:6).

When the whole church lives this way, we experience the same phenomenon the early church experienced - “There was not a needy person among them” (Acts 4:34).


April 19- Passover Seder Meal potluck

May 4 - “Beer, Brats & Bingo” fundraiser

June 1 - Church Picnic / Graduates’ Prayer Service

July 6 - Independence Day themed potluck

August 3 - Back2School (sandwiches)

September 21 - Shrimp boil potluck

October 5 - Asian themed potluck

November 2 - Thanksgiving themed potluck


January 4 - New Year’s themed potluck

February 1 - Valentine’s themed potluck

March 1 - St. Patrick’s themed potluck


Every 3rd Sunday we gather together at a local restaurant to share fellowship around the table. We call this ministry gathering the #LunchBunch.


April 13 @ Toasty (13605 Midway Rd)

May 18 @ Olive Garden (4240 Beltline)

June 15 @ JasminUniquelyChinese (4002 Belt Line Rd)

July 20 @ Old House BBQ (1905 N. Joey Ln.)

August 17 @ New New Buffet (3822 Beltline)

September 21 @ Best Thai (4135 Beltline)

October 19 @ Nuevo León Mex-Mex (12895 Josey)

November 16 @ “Stewardship Sunday” Catered Meal

December 21 @ The Diner of Dallas


January 18 @ Annual Parish Meeting (catered BBQ w/ potluck sides)

February 15 @ El Fenix (3128 Forest Ln #240)

March 15 @ Two Guys from Italy (11637 Webb Chapel)